Monday, January 19, 2009

A heartwarming story..... How Lucky got her name...

Another snowy miserable day.... It was actually quite pretty at 7:30 this morning but quite slick on the roads. Schools were cancelled but not my office!!!! Just doesn't seem fair, does it?.... I guess it is good to work hard and come home feeling like you have accomplished alot.. Even though I could have been sleeping and accomplishing alot of zzzzzzzzz's........ Bahhh!!!!!
I've spent most of the weekend scrapbooking... I did give my daughter and hubby some movie time, shopping time, and board game time as well as some quality mother-daughter scrap time.. and yeah, I did cook a meal or 2.... We had a delicious Chicken supper on Sunday....MMMMMM, so good....
I awoke last night at 4 in the morning to a weight on my butt as I sleep on my belly... quickly whipped my head around to see the silouette of my Unique cat Lucky, sitting as pretty as could be staring at the fireplace...... I guess entranced by the flames..It kind of freaked me out for she would not move regardless how much I bounced... So I smiled and fell back to sleep with my Lucky girl sitting on my behind. Wish I had brought a camera to bed with me..Would have been a Kodak moment.....
You see this is a cat that has quite a story and being with us for almost 8 years only just getting friendly the past couple.. We had found her in the middle of nowhere 20 feet high in a tree, moaning horribly...... So tiny you could fit her in your 2 hands, how could we just leave her up the tree to retrieve this kitten we go..... she put up quite a fight for a little thing.... Oh my she was pittiful. So tiny and frail... She was skinny as a rake, proven by the cheekbones, ribcage and bulgy eyes..... she could barely hold herself up.....she was matted horribly with sap, blood and scabs all clinging to her bones.... the scabs on her back were black, very thick and hard as a rock....her tail was crooked and something was up with her back legs.... Quite a sight she was.... So into the truck to give her the only food available, yup, you guessed it, Wendy's fries and some leftover apple juice.... The cup was cut small and the fries broken up into tiny pieces as she gobbled them up like the starving animal she was.... what cat likes fries and apple juice????? I guess when you have nothing you appreciate anything... We had decided to bring her to the Vet down the street from our house and leave it up to them to help her..... Well, my soft heart would not let me leave without knowing how she was going to be.... After what seemed like forever, the Vet came out to inform me that this poor kitten was in fact a 5 month old Cat..Due to the lack of food and abuse it had gone through, it was as bad as it looked..... Now if that wasn't bad enough, he proceeded to tell me that she had recieved the huge scabs down her back from and owl..... which obviously had her in it's grip over and over.....she must have put up quite a fuss, which he explained, was the reason she was so high up in a tree.... The owl lost it's grip and dropped her... He said it had to be quite some time that she was stuck in the tree, with the black hard layer on her back as evidence,.... and now to make matters worse...... she apparrently had 2 broken rear legs and a broken tail...... Well, the tears were flowing at the thought that one tiny little soul could endure so much pain and still fight for dear life..... He said he was not sure if she would live, not knowing what internal damage was done..... I immediately said do what you can to help her, I will pay for whatever she needs..... He did what he could which wasn't much... but did cost me, and it was worth every penny... I had her, tattered and all in a cardboard box with her bandages and medicine in hand..... I brought her home and day after day watched her slowly heal....We had come to love this hero of a cat..... Eventually she was all mended and far from normal but she was ours.... For 6 years she pretty much hid under a bed until everyone was sleeping then went to eat and pee...... So we rarely saw her.. She did not meow or like to be touched..... So we talked to her with affection and gave her the space she required... Believe it or not when we moved to Fredericton she started to come out of her shell....To this day she walks with a funny strut, her back legs are somewhat bent inwards and her tail is a tad crooked and the tip of it shakes like a rattle snake when she is happy..... Just a little reminder of her heroic fight to become a member of our family..... She is now talking to us, if we answer her she continues the conversation until we give her a little rub or a treat..... she now loves to cuddle in the curve of our bellys as we lay.... Still a tad timid, but boys she has come a long ways... I can't help but smile at the simplest things she does... Where would she be if the 4 wheelin' trip hadn't gone that route?.... I can't imagine our life without her.... She was so fortunate to be where she was, when she was...My little girl of 5 at the time, came up with her name , it was so appropriate.. Hence the given name, LUCKY !!!!!!......... Seems we were the lucky ones..... Now you understand why her sitting on my butt, so comfortable and safe touched me so. How the sudden movement of my bounce didn't even cause a fret.... it was because she felt safe and at home.....Finally she loves us as we do her.... She is our miracle....
Anyhow I thought you might enjoy that story.....
Now I am off the wonderful world of scrapbooking....Gonna give my Lucky Girl a little lovin', then put my other angel to bed and smother her in hugs and kisses(they are never too big for that♥).... Up at the top is my latest page of my Amazing Mother in Law, Ricki...... She is one in a is her handsome Husband, Louis.... I just love them to death..... xo
Good night to you all.....
Keep a watch out for the Big Reveal of my "Jenni Bowlin" book with all of her beautiful papers.. It is breathtaking..... So Bold and Beautiful..... Prepare yourself for the Fireworks!!!!!
Cheerio, my friends......♥


  1. I had only heard parts of this story before, so it's nice to know the whole thing. You have such a soft heart ... and I love you so much. And WE are the ones who are the "Lucky" ones to have you in our lives.

    Love, Ricki

  2. Oh Beautiful Momma!!!!! You make me Smile!!! ♥♥♥, Paaaaalease!!!!! Move to Fredericton!!!!! No Pressure!!!!! Paaaalease!!!!! xoxoxoxo
    As you know I've never had what I have with you,Louis and your son for that matter....Everyday I thank my lucky stars!xoxoxo
